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High School Graduation Requirements


World Languages: High School

Goal of World Languages

世界语言课程的目标是培养学生在英语以外的语言和文化上的能力. 在21世纪日益多样化的全球社会中,以文化上适当的方式与其他语言的使用者进行交流的能力是取得成功的关键. 随着学生对世界语言的熟练掌握和对其他文化的基本价值观和信仰的理解, they gain the skills that are essential to meaningful communication. World languages courses must betaken in sequential order. The prerequisite for all courses, except 1 A, 是成功完成上述课程,还是通过本地分班考试.


能够使用两种或两种以上语言的高中毕业生具备了成功进入大学的知识和技能, careers, and a diverse 21st century society. The Maryland Seal of Biliteracy is a diploma endorsement, authorized by Maryland law, that recognizes a student’s high-level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages other than English. To receive a Maryland Seal of Biliteracy, a student must do the following:

  • Pass the Maryland High School Assessment in English 10; AND
  • Demonstrate Intermediate high proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a language other than English, 通过与ACTFL(美国外语教学委员会)水平指南相一致的评估来衡量.

For more information about the approved assessments, please visit the website

Graduation Requirements for Class of 2025 and beyond

  • Two credits in the same world languages or two credits in American Sign Language

Graduation Requirements for Class of 2021-2024

  • Two credits in a world language, which may include American Sign Language, may be used to complete Option 1 of elective credits required for graduation. (If students select a world language to fulfill the Maryland diploma requirements, it is recommended that the two world language credits be in the same language.)
Level 1

学生开始学习以文化上适当的方式就与日常生活有关的话题进行口头和书面交流. They interpret basic information when listening and reading. 词汇和基本语法结构是在这些熟悉的主题的背景下教授的. Culture is embedded throughout the course.

Level 2

学生在与日常生活相关的话题中以文化上适当的方式进行口头和书面交流,以扩大他们的能力. They interpret information when listening and reading. 词汇和语法结构是在这些主题的背景下教授的. Culture is embedded throughout the course.

Level 3

学生继续扩大他们的能力,口头和书面沟通,以文化上适当的方式就各种熟悉的话题. They interpret detailed information when listening and reading. 词汇和更复杂的语法结构是在这些主题的背景下教授的. Culture is embedded throughout the course.

Level 4

学生以文化上适当的方式就一系列主题进行口头和书面交流,并提高熟练程度. They interpret detailed and extended information when listening and reading. 词汇和复杂的语言结构是在这些主题的背景下教授的. Culture is embedded throughout the course.

Level 5

学生将继续提高他们在广泛的话题上以文化上适当的方式进行口头和书面交流的能力. They interpret complex information when listening and reading. 词汇和各种复杂的语言结构是在这些主题的背景下教授. Culture is embedded throughout the course.

Level 6

学生能够以文化上合适的方式就广泛的主题进行高水平的口头和书面交流. They interpret complex information when listening and reading. 词汇和各种复杂的语言结构是在这些主题的背景下教授. Culture is embedded throughout the course.

Advanced Placement World Languages

These courses are for world languages students interested in college-level work. 课程将语言和文化联系起来,同时培养学生的口语能力, listening, reading, and writing. Students read, discuss, 并对各种文本进行口头和书面反应,为大学预修考试做准备.

Spanish for Spanish Speakers

为西班牙语熟练的学生提供西班牙语教学, either because it is their first language or is spoken extensively in the home. Each course integrates history, culture, language, and connections related to the Spanish-speaking world.



As students progress through the sequence of Latin courses, they build a foundation of Latin vocabulary and grammar. 他们研究罗马生活和历史的各个方面,以及西塞罗等主要作家的作品, Pliny, Horace, Ovid, Tibullus, or Plautus. In preparation for the AP Vergil exam, students translate the Aeneid from Latin into English, analyzing Vergil's style as well as studying the cultural, social, and political context of the literature.

American Sign Language

学生运用美国手语,用基本的词汇和简单的语法结构进行日常生活的交流. 他们探索聋人社区的文化和语言遗产及其影响.

International Baccalaureate (IB) World Languages Courses

Level 2

学生接受语言基础方面的强化训练,以达到适当水平的口语和书面表达能力. 学生掌握MCPS 2级现代世界语言课程,并学习文学, culture, and civilization of countries where the target language is spoken.

Level 3

学生发展更高水平的语言技能和词汇,以提高口头和书面表达的熟练程度, listening, and reading comprehension. Students master the MCPS Level 3 modern world language curriculum; are introduced to literary analysis; and study the literature, culture, history, and current events in countries where the target language is spoken.

Level 4

IB 4级世界语言课程包括两年序列的第一年,为学生准备标准水平的IB世界语言考试. 加强学生的知识和流利的口头和书面语言,扩大他们的文化和文明的理解. 特定写作作业的写作目标与文学相关, culture, and civilization topics.

Level 5

学生完成他们的准备标准水平的IB和大学先修课程世界语言考试. 重点放在阅读理解,解释,分析和口语能力. 学生分析各种各样的口语和书面材料以及相关国家的生活和文明.

Level 6

IB 6级世界语言课程的教学强调对作品结构和风格特征的批判性分析, composing well-constructed extended essays, oral proficiency at the near-native level, and continued in-depth study of the life and civilization of pertinent countries. Students are prepared for the higher-level IB exam.

Level 7
